Surrender the ME for the WE
Panduka Qusi_X Dissanayaka
Akram Roquez Mutaliph
Nothing personal, just business
Loshani Hellcat Nikeshala
Valorant sucks the life force out of me but I play anyway:)
Anoushka Nyx de Silva
I play games to relive my stress but instead, I give myself more stress.
Sweda x3_PUDDINn Walpola
if you are good at something never do it for free.
Shonal CarNaG3 Imbulgoda
Wubba Lubba Dub Dub
Minhaj m1n_h7j Imthiyaz
Be Yourself
Aasaf AZRi3L Samoo
Everything is personal and nothing is business
Thejan Pi[X]eL Adhithya
Keep Moving Forward and Don’t give up